Hey! We wanted to share some updates/ongoings from Water For People India of the past quarter with you.
A word from Bishwadeep
Greetings of the festive season!
We celebrated our 76th Independance Day last quarter and it was nice to see the strides we have been taking as a nation to finally plug the access gap for a vastly underserved population through national flagship programs like Jal Jeevan & Swachha Bharat mission, Atal Bhujal Yojana etc.
Water For People strengthened its partnerships with Government, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), academic institutions and our generous funding partners to jointly move the needle on this vexed issue.
Through our partnerships, we deepened our understanding about water resource management in Sundarbans and Shirur and how source sustainability can be better achieved through this. Two decentralized FSTPs also got commissioned in West Bengal and Bihar respectively that holds a lot of promise for the treatment of black/ grey water.
We also expanded geographically in Assam, Odisha and Maharashtra with the help of our valued partners, all towards ensuring that we remain committed in our efforts to drive our mission.

- 3M in Shirur block of Pune, Maharashtra
With the support of 3M we are implementing watershed development through the Ridge to Valley approach for increasing the water availability for drinking and agriculture in select villages of the Shirur block in Pune, Maharashtra. In August, the 3M team visited the Kendur village and was greeted by grateful community members who shared the benefits of the intervention with them.
- ITC in WB, Assam and Odisha
Through the enduring collaboration between ITC Limited and Water For People India Trust, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) initiatives are being implemented in communities and public institutions across select geographies of West Bengal, Odisha and Assam.
WASH and MHM facilities such as toilets, changing rooms and handwashing stations have been constructed in schools, aanganwadi centers and communities along with carrying out behavior change activities and setting up of child cabinets and mohalla committees for the proper use and maintenance of these facilities. A visit by ITC officials to each of our project locations was facilitated in the quarter.
Additionally, the launch event for Phase-II of the Light House Initiative under the Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin 2.0 was held at Rampur in Kamrup, Assam.

- ETP- Gender focused WASH in tea estates of Assam
Water For People has collaborated with Ethical Tea Partnership (ETP) to carry out a gender responsive WASH program in some tea estates of Assam. By engaging communities in a participatory approach that allows for co-creation of the message and content, we are working with relevant stakeholders to better the water, sanitation and hygiene practices of the tea estate workers and dwellers.
- Atlas Copco- source strengthening in Chikhaldara
With the support of Atlas Copco, we are working to build conscious communities for water conservation and good governance practices for sustainability of drinking water in 30 villages of Chikhaldara block in the Amravati district of Maharashtra. To increase the storage capacity of water, various infrastructural work such as deepening of ponds, recharge shafts etc. has been undertaken. The focus is also to build community ownership for the operation and maintenance of this infrastructure.

- Oak- IWRM in Sundarbans
Supported by the Oak Foundation, Water For People has collaborated with PRASARI and the local communities to implement integrated water resource management, addressing both drinking and agricultural needs using the Participatory Ground Water Management techniques in two blocks of the Sunderbans in West Bengal. Empowering locals and SHG women, the initiative fosters sustainable water use through community-driven action plans and resource management models. For the past one year, we have also employed innovations like the Aquifer Storage and Recovery model and the High Ridge and Low Furrow model here.
- Caterpillar- EF in S24P and Birbhum
Backed by Caterpillar Foundation, we launched our Everyone Forever program in seven blocks across two districts of West Bengal to improve water and sanitation infrastructure for vulnerable populations. The collaborative initiative with BTS and Tomorrow’s Foundation which just reached its one-year milestone, strengthens water resources, promotes sustainable access of WASH facilities especially in community health centers, and enhances community-led water resource management.

- Sanitation
Our work in sanitation follows the ‘Sanitation as a Business’ approach which brings in the private sector and aims to make sanitation services profitable for their sustainability.
With some support from UNICEF, Water For People has been developing the WASH Service Aggregator model by identifying and enhancing the capacities of 95 WASH entrepreneurs and 117 service providers, including masons, plumbers, and pit emptiers. These professionals are now prepared to collaborate on a unified platform through the Swachh Company app, which is scheduled to launch soon in Howrah and South 24 Parganas.
We have been supporting TBF with the setting up of a Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant in Muzaffarpur, Bihar which uses a vermifiltratzion based model for managing fecal sludge and supports circular economy. Market linkages for the vermicompost and vermiwash with SHG federations and Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) have also been established for roll out of the products by November 2024.
Work is also underway towards developing context specific FSTP models like one in South 24 Parganas with a sludge drying bed and another in Duttabad, Kolkata with a community toilet. Some efforts are also underway in Birbhum, WB and Pakur, Jharkhand.
Working with the Government:
In partnership with Water For People and WBSRLM, the Government of West Bengal organized a state level workshop chaired by Smt Seuli Saha, Hon’ble Minister of State (Panchayat & Rural Development) on Empowering SHGs in WASH: Aligning with LSDGs and Flagship Programs on September 26th in Kolkata to engage SHGs in the Operation and Maintenance of WASH facilities.

New in Assam
To support the Jal Jeevan Mission in Assam, Water For People in partnership with IIC has taken the lead in a coalition of about 9 organizations that will function as a Program Management Unit in the Assam state government. Collective action through this public-civil society technology partnership aims to solve the complex issues around water through technological innovations, evidence-backed initiatives, building capacities at various levels, strengthening governance mechanisms and community mobilization.
New in Bhojpur
Water For People has been supporting the government departments of Bihar at the state level and at the district level in Sheohar, Nalanda and Muzaffarpur for over a year now. Recently the Bhojpur district administration also invited us to extend technical support to “Strengthen capacities of stakeholder for uninterrupted water supply and sanitation provisions through community-led planning, operation, and maintenance of drinking water scheme” and “sanitation provisions under SBM II”.

Considering our extensive work around WASH related Behaviour Change in Sheohar, Govt of Bihar invited Water For People to support them in the joint designing and development of an IEC kit that will be used for promoting the sustainability of the piped water scheme under the PRD and PHED.
Culture Connect
Ensuring alignment with the organization’s mission, driving impactful outcomes and long-term success, Culture Connect, our annual team meetup, acts as an effective tool for all staff to meet, collaborate and learn from one another. Cultivating good culture at Water For People helps us to collectively foster purpose-driven work, cooperation, inclusivity, and accountability, while also prioritizing team well-being.
Great Place to Work
Water For People India Trust was recently certified as a Great Place to Work which recognizes our commitment to fostering a positive workplace culture and employee satisfaction. It reflects our team’s engagement, trust in the leadership, pride in their work, and belief in our vision and mission, exhibiting a thriving environment for personal and professional growth.
Annual Reflection
We conducted our annual monitoring to assess the level and sustainability of WASH service in the districts where we work. The results of the same help us evaluate impact, improve programs, and ensure accountability to stakeholders, driving more effective use of resources. These reflections also support evidence-based decision-making for work that we take up going forward.
Out and About:
Water For People India got featured in the July edition of Vistara’s inflight magazine. The article encapsulates the work we do around water conservation and sanitation, and gives a glimpse of our Destination 2030 strategy.
‘AI can greatly improve the Efficiency and the Sustainability of the WASH Sector’ an article by Bishwadeep was published int he XVIII issue of the Water Digest. He shared that if implemented responsibly, artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the WASH sector and play a pivotal role in achieving the SDGs.
Swachhata Hi Seva
Swachhata Hi Seva is an annual nationwide campaign in India that aims to promote cleanliness by encouraging citizens to participate in shramdaan activities. We organized campaigns along the same lines to increase awareness among the communities across all our project areas.
We attended the conference on Enhancing Water Use Efficiency organized by ASSOCHAM on 8th August 2024. Bishwadeep shared about the innovative models we have piloted as part of the ‘Innovations in Water Management and Sustainability’ panel.
On 28th of August, we participated in The Commons Convening convened by FES and UNDP where Bishwadeep was part of the panel on “Commoning Governance of Surface & Groundwater: How Can This Address the SDGs?”. Since 90% of the rural drinking water supply comes from groundwater, a common pool resource, he anchored his arguments around the model groundwater bill to highlight the need for collaboration, data, knowledge and community ownership for effective water management.
Water Week
The India Water Week, a vibrant platform created by the Ministry of Jal Shakti, GoI was held between 17th – 20th October. Water For People organized the panel discussion on ‘Partnerships and Cooperation with NGOs for inclusive water development and management’. Dr Dipankar Shah, Board Member WFPIT also participated in multiple panel discussions during the event.
We attended the Charcha conclave organized by The Nudge from 20-22nd August 2024 where change makers from government, civil society and markets came together to have conversations and explore collaborations around climate resilient livelihoods, tech for good and social entrepreneurship.
WaterAid event
We participated in the workshop on Nurturing WASH Innovation organized by WaterAid India on 30th September. Various organizations shared innovative solutions in water and sanitation, some of which can be tested and demonstrated as models in our operational area.
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