Brand Assets – Water For People India
In Writing
Always capitalize the “F” in Water For People and never abbreviate to WFP.
Logo Usage
The Water For People and Everyone Forever logo should be used in most circumstances except for small sizes or busy contexts. Then use the Water For People logo without the Everyone Forever tagline.
There is never an instance in which a logo should be altered in any way. No alternative colors, sizes, shapes, fonts, or treatments of the logo. The Water For People icon and wordmark should never be used separately.
Full-colored logos should only be used on a white background. For any other background, a monochrome logo (ideally white) should be used.
Landscape logos should not be downsized smaller than 1.5 inches wide in print, and 145 pixels wide when used digitally. Portrait logos should not be downsized smaller than 1.2 inches wide in print, and 120 pixels wide when used digitally. To ensure legibility, always keep a minimum clear space around the logos. The minimum clear space is defined as the height of the f in the wordmark

Barlow Condensed

Barlow Condensed Bold


Lato Bold
Blue – Primary
Hex: 66b4ce
RGB: 102 / 180 / 206
CMYK: 57 / 13 / 13 / 0
Pantone: 7458
Green – Primary
Hex: a8b400
RGB: 168 / 180 / 0
CMYK: 40 / 16 / 100 / 1
Pantone: 383
Orange – Primary
Hex: dd4814
RGB: 221 / 72 / 20
CMYK: 8 / 86 / 100 / 1
Pantone: 1665
Brown – Primary
Hex: 4a3c31
RGB: 74 / 60 / 49
CMYK: 56 / 62 / 70 / 52
Pantone: 7554
Gray – Primary
Hex: afa9a0
RGB: 175 / 169 / 160
CMYK: 33 / 29 / 35 / 0
Pantone: 401
Dark Blue – Secondary
Hex: 3095b4
RGB: 48 / 149 / 180
CMYK: 77 / 27 / 21 / 1
Pantone: 7689
Dark Green – Secondary
Hex: 878800
RGB: 135 / 136 / 0
CMYK: 49 / 33 / 100 / 10
Pantone: 392
Dark Yellow – Secondary
Hex: ce8e00
RGB: 206 / 142 / 0
CMYK: 19 / 46 / 100 / 2
Pantone: 7550
Light Gray – Secondary
Hex: e0ded8
RGB: 224 / 222 / 216
CMYK: 11 / 9 / 12 / 0
Pantone: 1
Light Yellow – Secondary
Hex: d7a900
RGB: 48 / 149 / 180
CMYK: 77 / 27 / 21 / 1
Pantone: 110
Dark Gray – For Body Text
Hex: 404041
RGB: 64 / 64 / 65
CMYK: 68 / 61 / 59 / 46
Pantone: 446